... Innovative Mechanism Projector hidden in Ceiling using Mirror System
Designer Living Room with Virtual Fish Tank
Design Goals: To create the ultimate multi-room home cinema system for a Client that knows the IT market inside out and wanted a supplier that he could rely on to deliver the most sophisticated AV solution, without resorting to bespoke, expensive, instantly obsolete hardware, so typical of most traditional home cinema installers.
Hidden Projector: Unlike a traditional scissors-style drop mechanism which involves lowering a heavy Projector from the ceiling,the Projector stays in the system and uses a simple, but ultra-flat mirror that opens up much like a kid's periscope. The end result is reduced fan noise and consistent accuracy in aligning the image with the edge of the Projection Screen. Solution: The luxury home features a Media Centre network with 16 Terabytes of storage, a 150 inch widescreen home cinema in the Attic, four large screen TVs and surround sound in three rooms, with high fidelity audio in the Kitchen, Master Bathroom, Drawing Room and Garden. All this in a minimalist, modern style as specified by the Client's Interior Designer wife.
The Client's Movies, Music, Family Photos & Photos have all been captured onto a large "NAS" Drive providing instant and reliable access anywhere in the house. Of course, the system is also a dream for his kids, in particular the 150 inch diagonal screen for playing games.